
Gave a talk on "Using GitHub to Power Up Your Static Sites" for Codementor's Developer Growth Summit. I did my first live-coding as well!!! Video:
Spoke about CSS on Microsoft Refactor's Web Wednesday. This was a live stream event where I shared tips and tricks on how I create my One Div art!
Had a super fun conversation with on Scrimba's "Ask an Expert" series, weighing in on some of these topics: ⭐️ Presenting previous skills & jobs on your CV 🙈 Experience learning JavaScript 🛠 Develo...
Spoke on Jessica Rose's bootcamp panel for a live Q&A, talking what you can expect after graduating from a programming bootcamp. Full video: My "controve...
Second video in a series of short interviews with Prismic. This discussion focuses around the theme of "How to Keep Learning as a Web Developer". Topics covered include: - What is it like to teach ...
Joint interview with Kassandra Sanch for The Girl Code's TechTalks series. Discussion points include: - Is learning effective outside a school environment? - What are the pros and cons of self-stud...
First part of a series of Prismic interviews! This one is on "Advice for Web Development Beginners". Discussions include: - Don't underestimate the importance and power of HTML and CSS - Learning t...
Gave a talk on, "Building an Effective Developer Portfolio" at Hashnode's Bootcamp III. It was really well received and I'm thrilled the info was useful for a lot of people!!
Took part in Whiskey Wednesday's YouTube/podcast on a panel discussion about CSS. Talked about how I created my one div iPad.
"10 Lessons from my First Year as a Developer" - A live talk as one of six speakers, for Developer Student Clubs GITA The Kickstart
Interviewed with YouTuber & developer, Francesco Ciulla. Topics discussed included: - Curiosity vs Passion as a developer - Soft skills in development - IKIGAI: A reason for being - Travelling - So...